When Shall Light Dawn??

Alright its not like what the title says. I'm not emotional or depressed now. Its more like a literal meaning for the weather over here. Its been raining the past 2 days witout stopping. It just stopped about 2 hours ago but its still all wet outside. There were also 2 tornado warnings yesterday in Kalamazoo at the eastern part near to the airport. Luckily there were no tornados. The Hurican Ike has hit Houston and a few other places and apparently Houston is left with no power. Dawn's relatives are in Houston and she was quite stressed yesterday due to news about the hurricane hitting Houston. Over here, it was raining as i said earlier perhaps due to some of the heavy clouds blown north by the Ike.

On a brighter note, we've finally gotten our internet YES YES YES and yesterday we went over to Bel and Mark's place for a potluck gathering and for some drinking. We were there for so long; around 7pm till 4.30am. We watched tv, chatted with Pet and Quzrin online, started rumors (Crystal) and had lengthy chats. It was an enjoyable evening-to-morning gathering. I dont have any pictures of it though. I think Cheryl should have some. Shall steal some of her pictures later. MUAHAHAHA. OK.....CHERRY COKE!!!

Anyway i'm expecting alot of questions about a rumor that might be starting in Sunway with the old gang soon but it should be fun to go along with it. Atleast i know someone is *looks at 'Crystal'*

Alright signing off now....shall find something else to do....BYE ;D


Sunday, September 14, 2008