You know the feeling where something just keeps persisting in your mind and makes you worry and think about it all day long to no end. It just like walking through a thorn bush. No matter how hard you push along to get past it, the thorns are still there to prick you. But alas, i now feel that i have broken free of that thorn bush which has been pricking me the past weeks.
It was such a pain not because i did not know what to do but rather i knew what had to be done and i was afraid of the probable outcome of that decision. The answer that i was longing to know would either be a warm breeze or a hammerfall on dainty crytal heart.
I'm glad that I now have the answer to which was bugging me and it was an answer that i really hoped for.
A smile like a blinding glaze,
A frown like a grey blanket,
Shalt thou smile then the stars shine,
Shalt thou frown shalt the stars die,
I hope thou shalt always be the way that i know thou,
That bright crazy lovely one that i fell for.
The noises are dying down as everyone has finally gotten tired of it. How much can one be of a topic? Long but not indefinite. The chaos dies down to leave a silence and peace that resembles a falling leaf.
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